Federal Crime Lawyers Fighting To Absolve You of Any Wrongdoing Throughout California
Getting charged with any crime is troubling and can add a lot of stress to your life. Thinking about the possible outcomes of your charge, seeking ways to defend yourself, all the while dealing with everything else in your life can come at a high cost to your peace-of-mind. However, things can be much worse if you are charged with a federal crime. Federal crimes can be incredibly costly to your rights and freedoms. Because federal crimes are prosecuted by federal agencies with extremely experienced prosecutors, it can be difficult to defend yourself without the proper help. Let an experienced attorney like the ones at the Law Office of Daniel Deng aid you in your battle to clear your name. Our team of dedicated attorneys with experience in handling federal criminal charges can help you fight to get the best possible outcome for your case. Reach out to our law firm today to schedule a free consultation so we can get started on your defense as soon as possible.
What Federal Crimes Can an Attorney Help Me With?
Federal crimes are offenses that have been deemed illegal by the federal government. These violations differ from other crimes because they are tried through the federal court system. There are many federal crimes that one can commit. Our criminal defense attorneys can help with many types of federal crimes including white-collar crimes, immigration-related crimes, and fraud. White-collar crimes encompass a wide array of crimes that include identity theft, insurance fraud, counterfeiting and piracy, and more. No matter what type of federal crime you are facing, our team knows what it takes to make sure you get the results you need when facing a federal criminal charge. Let us take the lead and fight to get you the best possible outcome for your case.
What Are the Penalties of a Federal Crime Conviction?
Because federal crimes are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, the legal ramifications of a federal criminal conviction can be staggering compared to crimes tried by a state. With massive fines far exceeding those levied in state-led convictions and incredibly lengthy jail sentences, a federal criminal conviction can be the end of your life as you know it. Even if you don’t receive the maximum sentence or maximum fine, you may find it difficult to get back on your feet after your conviction. Don’t let it get to that point. Our team of experienced federal crime lawyers can do whatever it takes to ensure your future is unobstructed by the penalties from a conviction of a federal crime.
How Can a Federal Crimes Lawyer Assist Me With My Case?
One of the most understated aspects of a federal criminal charge is the possibility of your assets being forfeited or frozen by a federal agency. For example, if you were charged with fraud, and it is believed that your assets are tainted due to your charge, your assets may be unable for you to access and even forfeited entirely until your case is closed. This can be an infringement on your rights, especially if you are innocent of any wrongdoing. Our law firm has years of experience in handling federal criminal cases. Trust your case with us so we can fight to have your rights and freedoms restored.
Can a Lawyer Improve My Chances of Avoiding a Conviction?
Do not hesitate to take action when it comes to defending your rights. With so many possible life-changing consequences at your doorstep, you should do whatever it takes to protect yourself and your future. With the help of our experienced attorneys, you can improve your chances of avoiding a federal criminal conviction and keep your life on track. We understand how intimidating these charges may be. We can explain to you what to expect and how we intend on making sure you receive the best possible outcome. Call us at (626) 280-6000 to schedule a consultation with our team.